Santez Mektilda - GrandTerrier

Santez Mektilda

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1 Fiche signalétique

sz. Mektilda
Vie / Buhez : née en Ecosse au 12e siècle, recluse dans une cabane à Lappion
Genre / Reizh : Féminin
Signification / Sinifiañs :
Variantes / Argemmoù : Mektilda (Bretagne) - Mechtildis, Matilda (Ecosse) -

2 Almanach

le 12 avril 2024 ~ d'an 12 a viz Ebrel 2024
Saint(e) du jour ~ Sant(ez) an deiz sz. Mektilda (née en Ecosse au 12e siècle, recluse dans une cabane à Lappion)
Proverbe breton ~ Krennlavar Gant karantez zo plijadur. Ha gant madoù tamalladur. § [Trad]

Almanach complet : [Calendrier:Vie des saints]

3 Sources

4 Iconographie


5 Monographies

Site St Patrick dc :

Mechtildis, Hermitess

Died c. 1200. Scottish Saint Mechtildis (Matilda) wanted to indulge in deeper prayer without bothering others, so she moved into the wilderness of Lappion, where she lived in a cabin (Encyclopedia)

Site Green Spun :

On April 12, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- saints and blesseds whose souls are now in heaven:
  • St. Alferio of La Cava (Italian, ambassador, Benedictine abbot, d. 1050)
  • Bl. Andrew of Montereale [Andrea] (Italian, Augustinian priest, d. 1480)
  • St. Angelo Carletti of Chivasso (Italian, lawyer, senator, Franciscan priest, converted Muslims and heretics, d. 1495)
  • St. Constantine of Gap (French, bishop, d. 529)
  • St. Damian of Pavia (Italian, bishop, opposed the Monothelite heresy, d. 710)
  • St. Erkemboden of Therouanne (French, Benedictine abbot, bishop, d. 714)
  • Pope St. Julius I of Rome (Italian, elected to papacy in 337, opposed the Arian heresy, reigned until death in 352)
  • St. Mechtildis of Lappion (Scottish, hermitess, c. 1200)

Site :

April 12. [MATILDA (-1220, bur Lappion). Nun at Lappion. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the death in 1220 of "religiosa et sancta Mathildis de Lapion regis Scotie filia", specifying that she had gone into hiding to escape[269].]