Sant Merin - GrandTerrier

Sant Merin

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1 Fiche signalétique

s. Merin
Vie / Buhez : missionnaire au 6e siècle en Cornwall ou au pays de Galles, éponyme de Plomelin
Genre / Reizh : Masculin
Signification / Sinifiañs : origine Celtique, Mer=Pur
Variantes / Argemmoù : Merin (Bretagne) - Merryn (Cornouaille) -

2 Almanach

le 5 février 2024 ~ d'an 5 a viz C'hwevrer 2024
Saint(e) du jour ~ Sant(ez) an deiz s. Merin (missionnaire au 6e siècle en Cornwall ou au pays de Galles, éponyme de Plomelin)
Proverbe breton ~ Krennlavar Ar ouenn a denn: Diwar gi ne vez ket kazh. Diwar logod ne vez ket razh. § [Trad]

Almanach complet : [Calendrier:Vie des saints]

3 Sources

4 Iconographie

Eglise de Plomelin
Eglise de Plomelin

5 Monographies

Archives Irish Catholic Church :

St. Merryn (Merin)

6th century. Missionary in Cornwall and Brittany. Saint Merryn is the titular patron of a place in Cornwall. He may be identical with the Breton saint honoured at Lanmerin and Plomelin. During the medieval period, the legendary Saint Marina was believed to have been its patron. For this reason, the Cornish St. Merryn observes the feast on July 7, whereas the Breton feast is on April 4 (Farmer).


Attwater, D. (1958). A Dictionary of Saints. New York: P. J. Kenedy & Sons. [Attwater 2]

Baring-Gould,S & Fisher, J.The Lives of the British Saints (4 volumes: Charles J Clarke, 1907)

Benedictine Monks of Saint Augustine Abbey, Ramsgate. (1947). The Book of saints. NY: Macmillan.

Bowen, Paul. When We Were One: A Yearbook of the Saints of the British Isles Complied from Ancient Calendars.

Encyclopaedia of Catholic Saints, March. (1966). Philadelphia: Chilton Books.

Farmer, D. H. (1997). The Oxford Dictionary of Saints. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Flanagan, L A. Chronicle of Irish Saints (The Blackstaff Press, Belfast, 1990)

Husenbeth, Rev. F. C., DD, VG (ed.). (1928). Butler's Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints. London: Virtue & Co.

Neeson, E. The Book of Irish Saints (The Mercier Press, Cork, 1967)

For All the Saints:

An Alphabetical Index of the Saints of the West

These Lives are archived at:

Site Info Bretagne :


Plomelin vient du breton « ploe » (paroisse) et de Merin, un saint gallois.