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Article GrandTerrier

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Affichage de 8 résultats à partir du #1.

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Correspondances dans les textes

  1. Sant Munis (4 953 octets)
    Catégorisation : Saints
    28: <br>February 6
    52: 6 February
    54: Celtic and Old English Saints 6 February
  2. Sant Mazheas (4 189 octets)
    Catégorisation : Saints
    53: <br>February 24 (Lutheran Church),
    54: <br>24 February or (in leap years) 25 February (Traditionalist Catholics)
  3. O.C.B. et papetiers Bolloré en Caroline du Nord, The Echo et Time Magazine 1940-50 (35 495 octets)
    Catégorisation : Reportages - Mémoires des Papetiers
    129: In February 20 the last group of
    161: New York on February 24, aboard the
    235: New York on February 24, aboard the
  4. Santez Piala (8 944 octets)
    Catégorisation : Saints
    29: <br>Feast 3 February
    33: .... The town built up around it. Her feast day is 3 February.
  5. Sant Telio (5 257 octets)
    Catégorisation : Saints
    50: ...is, or was, kept in Wales and at Saint Télo on 9 February; at Dol, was a double, on 29 November; and in oth...
  6. Sant Senan (7 491 octets)
    Catégorisation : Saints
    55: ....newadvent.org/cathen/01632a.htm>. Retrieved on 9 February 2008
  7. Sant Koulmkell (9 231 octets)
    Catégorisation : Saints
    73: ...d with Saint Patrick, March 17, and Saint Brigid, February 1, is one of the three patron saints of Ireland. ...
  8. Biographical memoirs of the Bishop of Leon, The Gentleman's Magazine 1807 (23 129 octets)
    Catégorisation : Reportages - JFDLM
    65: The Gentleman's Magazine For February, 1807.

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