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Affichage de 13 résultats à partir du #1.

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  1. O.C.B. et papetiers Bolloré en Caroline du Nord, The Echo et Time Magazine 1940-50 (35 495 octets)
    Catégorisation : Reportages - Mémoires des Papetiers
    58: Last week before the National Farm Chemurgic Conferenc...
    62: .... But what interested the Chicago conference most last week was that Ecusta had made a short cut in tech...
    66: Last week in the close-mouthed tobacco business, best ...
    129: In February 20 the last group of
    142: last year to supervise the opening
  2. Sant Dewi (20 226 octets)
    Catégorisation : Saints
    52: ...uillaume de Malmesbury rapporte que David visita Glastonbury dans le but de consacrer l'abbaye et de lui...
    90: ...illiam of Malmesbury recorded that David visited Glastonbury intending to dedicate the Abbey, as well as...
    94: ...led with angels as Christ received his soul'. His last words to his followers were in a sermon on the pr...
    98: ...perses movements reflecting the themes of David's last sermon with those drawing from three Psalms.
    138: ...d this period that David is said to have visited Glastonbury in Somerset. He had learnt of the abbey's g...
  3. Sant Tassach (3 184 octets)
    Catégorisation : Saints
    49: ...t bishop of Rahoip, Ireland, and gave Patrick the last rites.
    54: ...ach as Bishop of Raholp. Tassach gave Patrick the Last Rites before his death. The deathbed scene is poi...
  4. WELD Charles Richard - A Vacation in Brittany (37 345 octets)
    Catégorisation : Biblio
    87: ...tempts! for no sooner was he on his legs than, ballasted as he was, he came to the ground with a run, an...
    91: ...y that the Britons deserve to be charged with the last-named vice; brandy was in far greater request tha...
    97: ...lly placed in the shrine over the high altar, the last blessing was said, and the multitude were let loo...
  5. Conversion d'une feuille de calcul Excel en tableau (28 908 octets)
    27: ' Version V13; last changed 28.9.2006
    195: Dim lastdivisor As Long
    203: lastdivisor = 1
    207: wrk = (num Mod divisor) \ lastdivisor
    209: lastdivisor = divisor
  6. Sant Finnian (6 259 octets)
    Catégorisation : Saints
    28: ... teaching, and founding churches, until he was at last led by an angel to Cluain Eraird, which he was to...
  7. Sant Abram (4 760 octets)
    Catégorisation : Saints
    48: ...is parents' wish that he should marry, but on the last of the seven-day feasting which preceded the wedd...
  8. Sant Patrig (15 275 octets)
    Catégorisation : Saints
    102: ...el telling him to return to Saul.He was given the last rites by Bishop Tassach of Raholp. His buriel is ...
  9. Sant Cuthbert (10 777 octets)
    Catégorisation : Saints
    75: Lindisfarne PrioryHis reign as prior did not last long; in that same year of 664 the Synod of Whitb...
  10. Sant Komgall (7 435 octets)
    Catégorisation : Saints
    55: ...hments at Bangor and elsewhere in introducing the last stages of monasticism then developed on the Conti...
  11. Sant Kevin (10 313 octets)
    Catégorisation : Saints
    60: ...rd with berries and nuts. By the end of Lent, the last blackbird hatchlings had flown from the nest, whi...
  12. DEGUIGNET Jean-Marie - Preview of Memoirs of a Breton Peasant, Linda Asher (4 320 octets)
    Catégorisation : JMD
    60: ...ctor Hugo, George Simenon, and Milan Kundera. The last book she translated for Seven Stories, Martin Win...
  13. Le dossier Arolsen de Michel Tymen (4 613 octets)
    Catégorisation : Arolsen
    53: ...>Desired Destination : Quimper Finistere France - Last Permanent Residence or Residence January 1, 1938 ...

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