Modèle:Bishop Page 99 - Français - GrandTerrier

Modèle:Bishop Page 99 - Français

Un article de GrandTerrier.

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Suite .. page 99

Après la Paix d'Aix la Chapelle, il reprit une vie d'étudiant. Il passa un certain temps dans un séminaire à Paris, et rentra dans les ordres ; et, après son diplôme, il devint vicaire général à la Cathédrale de Tréguier avec une pension de 2000 livres que, cependant, il reversa au profit des étudiants pauvres. En 1772 il fur nommé Évêque de Léon (auquel il était annexé le titre de Comte) ; et là constatant que le séminaire était très modeste, il acheta un grand terrain, et érigea et aménagea comme collège un bâtiment très confortable à ses frais, adapté pour 200 personnes, dans lequel il plaça des ecclésiastiques qui s'étaient distingués pour leurs études et leur piété ; il ajouta au collège un petit séminaire où les étudiants défavorisés étaient formés et instruits gratuitement.

Il prit en compte tout cela personnellement avec des fonds pour les salaires des professeurs, et pour la maintenance de l'établissement. Cet établissement fut achevé bien avant la Révolution, comme le savent plusieurs émigrés actuels dans ce pays, et aussi plusieurs Anglais qui ont séjourné en Bretagne auparavant.

Outre cette œuvre, le bon Évêque was very active in various plans and pursuits for the advantage of his Diocese, and particularly for the benefit of the poor, having dedicated two-thirds of his icome to these purposes. The progress of the French Revolution is too well known to need a recital here, nor does the writer know the delail of this Prelate's opinions or conduct in the month of January 1791, when he became obvoxions to the ruling Powers by the new Civil Contitution, as it was called, of the Clergy, dated August 24, 1790 ; by which the Bishopnie of Leon was suppressed, and united to that of Quimper, in irder to form the Diocese of the latter ; notwith..anding which the Bishop of Leon continued to reside in his Episcopal House, and to exercise his functions.

In consequence of this want of compliance with the new order of things, several proceedings were had against him in the Department of Morbihan ; and notice was sent to quit the Episcopal House, and to deliver up all the papers relative to the temporal and spiritual government of his See.

And the Bishop, however, paid little attention to these orders, his conduct was represented to the National Assembly when sitting at Paris, who made a decree the 16th Feb. 1798, to send three Commissioners into the Department, under presence of establishing order ; and, amongst other things, directed, that the late Bishop of Treguier, St Pol de Leon, and Vannes, should immediately, on the notification of the decree, attend the National Assembly.

This Decree was immediatyely printed ; and sent-off to the Directory of the Department of Finistère, with orders to serve it, by an Officer of the Marechauffée on the Bishop of Leon, and summon him to obey it without delay. An officer was sentdirectly to the District of Morlaix, with orders that the Bishop should be conducted immediately, in a carriage under a good escort, to the National Assembly.

The Bishop received this Decree the 24th, at 10 oc'clock at night, and prepared to attend the National Assembly according to the Decree ; but having received private advice on Friday the 25th not to go to Paris, where he would in- [...]