Sant Mochellog - GrandTerrier

Sant Mochellog

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1 Fiche signalétique

s. Mochellog
Vie / Buhez : abbé du 7e siècle fondateur du prieuré de Kilmallock en Irlande
Genre / Reizh : Masculin
Signification / Sinifiañs :
Variantes / Argemmoù : Mochellog (Irlande) -

2 Almanach

le 26 mars 2024 ~ d'an 26 a viz Meurzh 2024
Saint(e) du jour ~ Sant(ez) an deiz s. Mochellog (abbé du 7e siècle fondateur du prieuré de Kilmallock en Irlande)
Proverbe breton ~ Krennlavar Kammed ha kammed. E reer tro ar bed. § [Trad]

Almanach complet : [Calendrier:Vie des saints]

3 Sources

4 Iconographie

prieuré de Kilmallock
prieuré de Kilmallock

5 Monographies

abbaye saint-Benoit :

Mochellog, abbé, de Killmallog, (+ vers 639), 26 mars, 556.

Site fr.Wikipedia :


Kilmallock (Cill Mocheallóg in Irish) is a historic and sporting town in south County Limerick, Ireland, near the border with County Cork. There is a Dominican Priory in the town and King's Castle (or King John's Castle). The remains of medieval walls which encircled the settlement are still visible. The Dublin–Cork railway line passes by the town, but the station is now closed. The nearest train station is in Charleville, County Cork, just a few miles south of Kilmallock.

It was a town of considerable importance in the late medieval period, ranking as one of the main urban areas in Ireland at the time. Cill Cill Mocheallóg founded the church. Cill is gaelic for "church of" - therefore the church of Mocheallóg.